
Time to Science the Shit out of this...

 So the weight loss thing has been good - I'm down 43-45 pounds depending on the day as of the plateau period.  I feel good, I look much better, I have clothes that fit again but I'm still not where I should have been.

Yeah - weight loss is not linear.  We all know that.  There's the rush of loss that comes close to linear but then it fails out.

I have been taking courses on udemy and I decided to apply some of that to my real life data.

I opened up a new Jupyter notebook, did some data cleaning and then plotted out a few graphs that seem to confirm my hypothesis that a change in my daily routine has resulted in the "plateau of doom".

I gain a significant gain (or so I think) by walking - it's cardio.  I know it's a huge component to anybody's health.  So with all things being equalish, I ran my Mass and Step count through Spearman's Correlation and plotted the results:

Something magical changed around Day 63 or so... What happened was that I shifted my exercise routine from a mix of yoga, weights, and cardio to only cardio really.

The effects on my Mass could be seen in the change in this graph:

Really though, I started to deviate from around day 50 as I was challenged to keep up with a demand to use more cardio as bang-for-the-buck.  Because we wall know that cardio is king...  :(

There's a green line that shows the linear track that I was on for success.

The red is the matching polynomial for the reality that I live with.

The deviation shows up again around day #63...

My food intake has been about the same - although I'm not calorie-counting, I haven't changed much.  I have however stopped doing morning and night yoga as well as the first thing in the morning weights.

Now that I have *some* maths, a hypothesis (gut instinct really), and a chance to course correct, I will do so.  Time to turn that polynomial into something new and get that slope downward again a bit faster.

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