
The process.

So as a continuation, the process is simple:

1) find a nearby testing site, go, etc...;

2) get tested;

3) wait;

4) get results.

Here's how it works:

1) found a nearby testing site that is being run from a school (good use of a currently unused building). I had to find parking as the lineup was pretty long already.  The posted estimated time was 2 hours (which is better than a few weeks ago when my friend had her child tested (4 hours then)).  I got in line and we all physically distanced ourselves.  Everybody was wearing a mask, and there was even 5 porta-potties before entering a covered section of the line - 1 wheelchair access, 1 men's, 3 ladies'.  At different times, people from security would come out and ask if we were all feeling okay, etc...  This took about 45 minutes.

2) once you are in the building, you line up for registration/screening.  This was simply a matter of waiting about 10 minutes, then being directed to a window, showing your health card, answering a few questions about symptoms, etc...  I was asked why I was showing up today - I mentioned that the COVID Alert app had informed me that I may have been exposed.  I was her first APP person!!!  Yay!!!  Then you are directed to the gym and given a seat to sit down in.  At all times, there are people whisking about, cleaning even the kiosk glass, surfaces, etc...  When your name is called, you approach a new kiosk, sanitize your hands, confirm who you are, and then you are given a bracelet and instructed to sit down again.  All of the chairs are spaced out away from each other, but there are some family group chairs clustered to keep people together.  Everything is sanitized the moment that someone gets up.

3) wait - not too long - I was occupied by writing notes on a current project - during that time I registered for the portal so I could check later and get my results.  Since it was at the school, we were able to use the widely advertised wifi access for guests.  That was a pleasant gesture.

4) your name gets called and you are directed to a closed off stall with a doctor.  Mine was good - he was friendly, explained that I had to remove my mask, I did, then he inserted a swab to the back of my throat, wiped about (that wasn't bad at all).   Then he took the swab and swabbed the back of my nose through my right nostril.  That felt strange.  Not a bad strange, not a good strange.  It wasn't quite like getting water down your nose but instead felt like the edge of a sneeze trigger.  He swirled it around in circles, and that was the strangest part.  It felt like the back of my nose was like sensitive shag carpeting and he was going to pull it all out - but then the feeling subsided.  The left nostril was the same sensation.  Not good, not bad, just strange.

5) we talked about the app, where I thought I might have been exposed, etc...  I was his second app person.  I use google maps everywhere so it is not uncommon for me to have a complete history of my trips everywhere.  Then I left.  I knew that in a day or two I would get the results.

It was a good experience.  I took the day off just to adjust and decompress.

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